The latest available information is given in the table. Figures for 2006/07 will be available in January 2008.
A new classification for recording subject of study was introduced in 2002/03 and so figures from 2002/03 onwards are not comparable to earlier years.
Latest figures from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) show that the number of accepted applicants to undergraduate engineering courses in 2007/08 has risen by 4 per cent. following the fall in 2006/07, and is now near to the level of 2005/06.
Number Of which: Academic year Female Male Total Female (%) Male (%) 1996/97 4,565 29,245 33,810 13.5 86.5 1997/98 4,525 29,725 34,250 13.2 86.8 1998/99 4,330 27,805 32,135 13.5 86.5 1999/2000 4,445 26,070 30,520 14.6 85.4 2000/01 4,605 25,345 29,950 15.4 84.6 2001/02 4,180 25,605 29,785 14.0 86.0 2002/032 4,055 23,870 27,930 14.5 85.5 2003/04 4,095 22,615 26,715 15.3 84.7 2004/05 4,235 24,400 28,635 14.8 85.2 2005/06 4,275 24,435 28,710 14.9 85.1 1 Students from the Open university are excluded from the analysis. 2 In 2002/03 the methodology for recording subject of study was changed on the student record. Aside from the introduction of a new coding frame, JACS (previously a system called HESACODE was used), students were apportioned between their subjects of study rather than being assigned on a headcount basis to their major subject. As such, comparisons between figures for 2001/02 and earlier and for 2002/03 onwards cannot be made. Notes: 1. Figures are on a snapshot basis as at 1 December excluding those writing up, on sabbatical or dormant. 2. Figures are rounded to the nearest 5. Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) student record.