The information requested is as follows:
Public Sector Prison Service
At the latest date that figures are available (30 November 2007) there were 465 staff absent from the public sector Prison Service for reasons classified as ‘Mental and Behavioural Disorders’ - predominately stress related. Information on the number of cases of ‘Mental and Behavioural’ absences by length of absence over the last two complete years is shown in the following table. The information refers to all stress related absences, whether they were work-related or not. The average total workforce during this period was 48,817 and therefore the current number absent due to ‘Mental and Behavioural Disorders’ is less than 1 per cent. of total workforce.
Length of absence Cases < 1 week 1,243 1 to 2 weeks 732 2 weeks to 1 month 1,532 1 to 2 months 1,238 2 to 3 months 707 3 to 4 months 433 4 to 5 months 320 5 to 6 months 243 More than 6 months 551
Contracted Prisons
HMP and YOI Parc has reported that no staff are currently absent due to stress. No other contracted establishments have reported information on the number of current absentees.
Information from the contracted estate is contained in the following table.
Length of Absence Cases1 < 1 week 9 1 to 2 weeks 8 2 weeks to 1 month 15 1 to 2 months 11 2 to 3 months 10 3 to 4 months 0 4 to 5 months 0 5 to 6 months 1 More than 6 months 8 1 Information has been provided for four contracted prisons: Parc, Altcourse, Rye Hill and Wolds. No information has been supplied for: Ashfield, Bronzefield, Dovegate, Doncaster, Forest Bank, Lowdham Grange and Peterborough.