The following table shows the estimated number of pupils aged (a) three to 15, (b) 14 to 15 and (c) 16 to 19 that are expected to be in academy schools in the following academic years 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11.
These estimates are based on 200 academies being open by 2010; they are subject to change as we move towards opening 400 academies. This is consistent with the projections published in Department Annual Report 2007 and the submission of 16 May 2007.
Thousand 2009 2010 2011 At January at previous 31 August Aged 3-15 114 136 184 Aged 14-15 40 49 68 Aged 16-19 20 26 36 1 Full-time equivalents, counting each part-time pupil as 0.5. The numbers have been rounded to the nearest one thousand. Note:Projections use 2006 School Census Data and are being updated in early 2008.