The information requested is set out as follows:
Newcastle upon Tyne local authority 2007 2006 2005 2004 Secondary1, 2 Number of pupils residing in LA3 14,574 14,812 15,059 14,038 Number of pupils4 attending schools maintained by the LA 14,115 14,414 14,687 13,920 Number of pupils in residence and attending schools maintained by the LA 13,316 13,565 13,820 13,054 Special1, 5 Number of pupils residing in LA3 291 286 244 246 Number of pupils4 attending schools maintained by the LA 306 306 296 296 Number of pupils in residence and attending schools maintained by the LA 248 246 218 214 1 Excludes pupils reported to be boarders. 2 Includes; Solely registered and main registration of dually registered pupils. Pupils aged 11 to 15 as at 31 August attending local authority maintained secondary middle deemed secondary, city technology colleges and academies. 3 Includes pupils attending maintained schools outside the LA. 4 Includes unmatched records, (i.e. with missing or invalid postcodes) 5 Includes: Solely registered and main registration of dually registered pupils. Pupils aged 11 to 15 as at 31 August 2006 attending maintained and non-maintained special schools.