Details of percentage shortfalls for pinch point trades are provided in the following table. The figures are those reported for financial year 2007-08 quarter 3 returns.
Pinch points Percentage shortfall Royal Navy RN Harrier GR7 Instructors 57 Lt GR7 Harrier Pilots 51 Merlin Observers 46 Merlin Pilots 39 Merlin Aircrew 22 Able Bodied Warfare Specialist (Sensors Submariner) 26 Able Bodied Warfare Specialist (Tactical Submariner 22 Strategic Weapons Systems Junior Ranks 29 Leading Hand Warfare 33 Able Bodied Diver 35 Royal Marines Other Ranks 9 Sea-King and Lynx Avionics Supervisors 18 Petty Officer Mine Warfare 25 Nuclear Watchkeepers 24 Able Bodied Seaman 40 Army Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Vehicle Mechanic 1 20 Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Recovery Mechanic 20 Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Armourer 12 Royal Engineers Clerk of Works 15 Army Medical Service—General Surgeon 63 Royal Engineers Mechanical Engineer Fitter 20 Royal Logistics Corps Ammunition Technician 44 Royal Logistic Corps—Postal and Courier Operator 16 Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps—Radiographer 43 Royal Engineers Military Engineer Geographic 36 Intelligence Operational Military Intelligence 26 Royal Engineers Explosive Ordnance Disposal 49 Royal Signals Information Systems Engineer 2 Royal Engineers Command, Control and Communications Systems 13 Army Medical Service—General Medical Practitioner 12 Royal Logistics Corps Chef 12 Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps—Operation Department Practitioner 37 Royal Logistics Corps Petroleum Operator 42 AG Corps Staff and Personnel Service (Mil Admin) 14 Royal Artillery—Operator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 48 Army Medical Service—Nurse Officer 27 Army Medical Service—A and E Nurse Officer 30 Army Medical Service—Anaesthetist 62 Army Medical Service—Radiologist 80 Army Medical Service—Orthopaedic Surgeon 61 Army Medical Service—Intensive Therapy Unit Nurse Officer 23 RAF Medical 29 Operational Support (Intelligence) 3 Operational Support (RAF Regiment) 17 Operational Support (Provost/Security) 8 Operational Support (Flight Ops) 8 Princess Mary’s RAF Nursing Service 18 Weapons Support (Air Load Master) 11 Weapons Support (Linguist) 19 Air Traffic Control/Flight Operations Manager/Flight Operations Assistant—Sergeant 10 Firefighter 12 Gunner 16 Movements Operations/Controller 1 RAF Police 8 Staff Nurse (RGN) A and E 14