Approximately 7,920 requests have been made by the United Kingdom under the provisions of the Dublin II regulation since its introduction on 1 September 2003. Statistics on the number of requests between September and December 2003 is unavailable. The yearly breakdown is as follows:
Number 2004 2,320 2005 1,840 2006 1,960 2007 1,800
These figures are based on management information. This information has not been quality assured under National Statistics protocols, is subject to change and should be treated as provisional. These figures have been rounded to the nearest five.
A total of approximately 1,165 asylum seekers have been returned to the UK from other EU countries under Dublin provisions since 2004. The Dublin II regulation was introduced on 1 September 2003 and replaced the Dublin convention. The statistics, as follows, include returns under both the Dublin convention and regulation as we are unable to provide figures on the Dublin regulation alone. Returns information from September to December 2003 is unavailable. A yearly breakdown is as follows:
Number 2004 90 2005 265 2006 440 2007 370
These figures are based on management information. This information has not been quality assured under National Statistics protocols, is subject to change and should be treated as provisional. These figures have been rounded to the nearest five.