The number of UK staff employed by the Department for International Development (DFID) in each country overseas, is shown in the following table:
Country All HCS Afghanistan 24 Bangladesh 22 Burma 3 Burundi 3 Cambodia 8 Caribbean regional (Barbados)—covers country offices in: 2 Guyana 4 Jamaica 1 Haiti 1 China 8 Democratic republic of Congo 13 Ethiopia 18 Ghana 9 India1 23 Indonesia 2 Kenya 12 Malawi 14 Mozambique 10 Nepal 13 Nigeria (Abuja)2 27 Pakistan 22 Rwanda 9 Sierra Leone (covering Liberia) 14 South-east Asia (Thailand—closes 2008) 5 South Africa (Pretoria)—covers country offices in: 11 Angola 1 Lesotho 1 Sudan 17 Tanzania 9 Uganda 14 Vietnam 7 Zambia 10 Zimbabwe 8 Bosnia 1 Kosovo 1 Kyrgyzstan 2 Tajikistan 2 Ukraine 1 Serbia and Montenegro 1 Bolivia 1 Brazil 2 Nicaragua 2 Iraq 7 Jerusalem (Palestinian territories) 5 Yemen 3 Montserrat 4 St. Helena 6 Gambia 1 Belgium—EU and UKrep 7 France—OECD and UNESCO 2 Italy—UNFAO 2 Switzerland—UKMIS 1 USA—World Bank and Un 1 Grand total (all staff overseas) 397 1 India numbers include those staff in the state offices in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya, Orissa and West Bengal. 2 Nigeria numbers include those staff in the state offices in Lagos, Kano and Enugu.