The present Group Corporate Services (Group Shared Services) was formed on 1 April 2007 and include shared corporate services for HM Treasury and Office of Government Commerce (OGC).
The figures for the previous years represent the headcount and cost of the HR, IS, Estates, Internal Audit and Finance functions of core HM Treasury only.
Headcount and cost figures are available for year 2003 onwards as before this date they are not kept centrally and can be obtained only at disproportionate cost. The same applies about agency staff and contractor headcount details.
Full-time Part-time 2006-07 112.0 5.4 2,225,729 2005-06 116.0 5.5 2,550,064 2004-05 125.0 8.6 1,707,567 2003-04 133.0 7.0 1,745,410
The increase of headcount in year 2007-08 is due to the merging of OGC's and HMT's corporate services to create a group shared service. As part of this around 70 staff from the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) transferred to the HM Treasury.
The spend on agency/contractors in the current financial year (up to October 2007) is no higher than previous years and it is anticipated that it will be below the total spend of the previous year.