Table 2.5a of Local Government Financial Statistics (LGFS) England gives details of the total gross income raised from sales, fees and charges by local authorities in England. The 1997-98 information was published in LGFS No. 15: 2004, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 in LGFS No. 16: 2005 and 2000-01 to 2004-05 in LGFS No. 17: 2007. LGFS No. 17 also included an initial estimate for 2005-06. These publications are in the Library of the House and are also available on the Communities and Local Government website at:
An initial estimate for 2006-07 was published in the 2006-07 Local Authority Revenue Expenditure and Financing England final outturn Statistical Release. Later estimates for 2005-06 and 2006-07 will be published in LGFS No. 18 later this year.