The Department is committed to reducing its direct and indirect carbon dioxide emissions by reducing energy consumption and business travel.
We work closely with our Estates Partners, Land Securities Trillium to reduce energy consumption, and as a consequence the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from our operations across our estate.
There are a number of initiatives currently under way which have already shown average reductions of 8.5 per cent. in electricity consumption and 23 per cent. in fossil fuel consumption over the past two years. This equates to an overall reduction of 16.9 per cent. in our indirect carbon dioxide emissions in the same period. So far we have concentrated on our larger sites, which represent two-thirds of our overall energy consumption. This programme is ongoing, will be expanded to our smaller sites,, and continues to make a significant impact on emissions.
The programme includes installing new energy saving technologies (e.g. voltage optimisation devices and passive infrared controls), more energy efficient equipment (e.g. IT), and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) to provide better quality management information leading to quicker resolution of issues and improved staff involvement.
We have also identified sites for possible micro-generation schemes (e.g. wind turbines, solar-thermal and bio-mass boilers). We will continue to explore the practicalities of installing these technologies at appropriate locations across our estate.
A review of business travel was undertaken in 2007 and a number of recommendations are being implemented. These include reducing our average vehicle emissions below the current Government target and setting targets to reduce business mileage travelled by car.