Service transformation, supported by the significant increase in the work force since 1997, new ways of working and productivity gains, will enable 18 weeks to be delivered and sustained.
Expansion of medical and nurse training has supported the planned expansion of the national health service work force which was part of the NHS Plan.
The number of consultants working in the relevant three specialties in 1997 and 2006 and the percentage change is shown in the following table:
Number (headcount) and percentage 1997 2006 Change 1997-2006 Percentage change 1997-2006 Pathology group 2,884 3,956 1,072 37.2 Of which: Consultant 1,838 2,416 578 31.4 Radiology group 2,064 3,204 1,140 55.2 Of which: Consultant 1,473 2,105 632 42.9 Surgical group 13,394 19,425 6,031 45.0 Of which: Consultant 4,094 6,129 2,035 49.7
Data on specialist nurses to support the national bowel screening programme are not collected centrally and commissioning of specialist nurses is driven by the local health care needs.