Community-based staff are employed by the national health service, general practitioner practices and social care providers including local authorities, voluntary and private sector organisations. Reimbursement for home to work travel is a matter for employers. However, for those employed by the NHS on Agenda for Change contracts, the current policy can be found in the “Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook” which is available in the Library.
Community-based health staff are employed by the national health service and general practitioner practices. We are not aware of any problems in administering the payment of travel expenses to community-based health staff, which is a matter between employee and employer.
Details of the number of incidences of national health service staff being paid late due to problems with the payroll system are not collected centrally.
Any complaints made by national health service staff about problems with the NHS payroll system is a local matter between employee, employer and their payroll provider and not collected centrally.