The tables show the number of teachers gaining Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) for history and modern foreign languages by Mainstream and Employment Based Routes (EBR) Initial Teacher Training (ITT). Data for food technology are not available separately as they are included within aggregate figures for design and technology.
Modern foreign languages History Secondary subject 1997/98 1,490 870 1998/99 1,410 790 1999/2000 1,290 760 2000/01 1,390 770 2001/02 1,340 790 2002/03 1,350 840 2003/04 1,450 850 2004/05 1,360 830 2005/06 1,260 780 Notes: 1. Includes Universities and other Higher Education institutions, SCITT and Open University, but excludes employment based routes. 2. Rounded to the nearest 10. 3. Cases where QTS is granted on assessment without a course on ITT are not included in the table. Source: TDA Performance Profiles
Modern foreign languages History Secondary subject 2001/02 170 50 2002/03 230 60 2003/04 230 90 2004/05 240 130 2005/06 220 130 Note: Rounded to the nearest 10 Source: TDA Performance Profiles