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Social Exclusion: Elderly

Volume 472: debated on Wednesday 20 February 2008

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what consideration he gave to social exclusion among older people in developing (a) the Reaching Out action plan and (b) the Government's public service agreement on social exclusion. (184898)

‘Reaching out: an Action Plan on Social Exclusion’ and the Socially Excluded Adults PSA do not focus on older people as specific groups, but by embodying the Government's emphasis on prevention and early intervention, aim to help tackle exclusion before it begins.

The Department for Work and Pension's Later Life PSA; the Social Exclusion Task Force-funded research project analysing social exclusion amongst all age groups and the former Social Exclusion Unit report, ‘A Sure Start to Later Life: Ending Inequalities for Older People’, all focus more specifically on tackling existing exclusion among older people.