Prisons and probation have agreed a core dataset of relevant offender information to be captured and communicated at specified points in the offender journey, using a system of jointly agreed offender management forms, secure e-mail and dedicated offender management mailboxes.
Data on violent and sexual offenders, managed under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) will be shared across the offender management system through the ViSOR system. Once the deployment of the system is complete in spring 2008, ViSOR will become the first IT system to be jointly shared across probation, prison and police services.
Going forward, the newly revised and deliverable NOMIS programme will continue the roll-out of the prison NOMIS database to public prisons. At the same time, the programme will be replacing at-risk case management systems in probation areas, as well as providing a simple read-only database, that will allow staff in both services to have access to important information held on each others' systems to support the management of offenders. In addition, the OASys project, as well as improving the offender risk assessment systems in both prisons and probation, will also provide, for the first time, a single national database of offenders who fall within the agreed scope of offender management.