The latest available information is given in the table.
First degree Postgraduate Major source of tuition fees Number Percentage of known Number Percentage of known Employer1 19,190 11.1 42,845 20.4 Other 154,855 89.3 170,850 81.2 Total known 173,380 100.0 210,430 100.0 Unknown 665 — 3,260 — Total 174,045 — 213,695 — 1 Employer as major source of tuition fees includes students who were recorded as having their tuition fees paid by “student's employer” and “UK industry/commerce”. Note: Figures are on a HESA standard registration population basis and have been rounded to the nearest five. Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Economic competitiveness demands knowledge-intensive, innovating, organisations, with highly skilled and knowledgeable workforces. Substantial numbers of learners already receive support for first and subsequent degrees with employers paying their fees and often providing other support. We recently announced plans to deliver real growth in higher education co-funded with employers. We are making the public investment—rising to at least £50 million in 2010-11—and look to employers to work with us to deliver.