The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 26 February 2008:
As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question asking how many jobs were created in the UK in the last 12 months, broken down by sector. (188557)
While statistics of new jobs created are not available explicitly, statistics from surveys enable comparisons to be made of net changes in jobs from year to year.
The Workforce Jobs estimates combine Employee Jobs figures with self employment jobs from the Labour Force Survey, as well as HM Forces jobs figures and the number of Government sponsored trainees.
Attached is a table showing Workforce Jobs by industry for the UK for the latest available period, September 2007, and for September 2006.
Workforce Job statistics are published as part of the Labour Market Statistics First Release and can be obtained on the National Statistics website at:
Thousands All jobs Agriculture and fishing Energy and water Manufacturing Construction Distribution, hotels and restaurants SIC 92 sections A-0 A-B C, E D F G,H September 2007 31,599 449 181 3,205 2,229 7,069 September 2006 31,312 445 174 3,241 2,189 6,994 Change September 2006 to September 2007 287 4 7 -36 40 75
Transport and comms. Finance and business services Public Admin., education and health Other services Total services SIC 92 sections I J-K L,N O G-O September 2007 1,832 6,650 7,980 2,004 25,535 September 2006 1,850 6,449 7,958 2,012 25,263 Change September 2006 to September 2007 -18 201 22 -8 272 Notes: 1. Workforce jobs figures are a measure of jobs rather than people. For example, if a person holds two jobs, each job will be counted in the workforce jobs total. 2. Workforce jobs figures come from a variety of sources, and where possible, from the employer rather than the individual. Employee jobs (which is much the largest component of workforce jobs) come from quarterly surveys of employers carried out by ONS. 3. Other data sources are as follows: Self-employment jobs are provided by the Labour Force Survey HM Forces figures are provided by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Government-supported trainees are provided from Administrative Sources.