Services Family Accommodation (SFA) and Single Living Accommodation (SLA) in Germany, Cyprus, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands is at the following Grade for Charge (GfC).
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Cyprus 0 — 504 27 140 8 1,589 65 Gibraltar 82 17 66 14 90 19 239 50 Falklands/ Ascension Islands 0 — 0 — 0 — 80 100 Germany 2,212 17 6,010 47 3,481 27 1,149 9
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Germany 2,356 14 1,494 9 4,186 24 8,989 53 Cyprus 67 4 14 1 534 36 882 59 Falklands/ Ascension Islands 14 <1 0 — 0 — 6,105 >99 Gibraltar 325 83 24 6 41 11 0 —
The low grade given to SLA in the South Atlantic Islands for example reflects the remote location and environmental factors rather than the actual condition of the accommodation which is considered reasonable. It should be noted that a large proportion of overseas SLA is only used during operational deployments. Although much of this accommodation is G4fC, residents are not charged for it.
In Cyprus, some 650 bed-spaces will be upgraded by 2012 for use on a permanent basis. In addition, there are ongoing programmes of improvement work in all the above locations including the Hired Accommodation Revitalisation Programme project, which aims to replace or upgrade the entire hired estate in Germany over the next five years.
Over the next decade the MOD will spend over £8 billion on accommodation, including some £3.1 billion on bringing accommodation up to the top condition. This will include the delivery of some further 30,000 new or improved SLA bed-spaces by 2013.