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Animal Experiments

Volume 472: debated on Monday 3 March 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department further to the Ministerial letter of 31st January 2006 responding to the recommendations in the Animal Procedures Committee’s 2005 report on the Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, what her policy is on (a) exploring the scope for reporting the true origin of animals when this differs from their proximate source and (b) dividing the category of origin, where this differs from source, into the same categories as those for sources of Schedule 2 animals. (188743)

With regard to the origin of animals, the present format of the Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals is consistent with current European reporting requirements. We will give further consideration to this recommendation when the European Commission publishes revised statistical reporting requirements as part of the current review of Directive 86/609/EEC, which the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 transposes into UK law.