The numbers of (a) drivers, (b) passengers and (c) pedestrians aged (i) 16 and under, (ii) 17 to 20, (iii) 21 to 25, (iv) 26 to 30, (v) 31 to 35, (vi) 36 to 40, (vii) 41 to 45, (viii) 46 to 50, (ix) 51 to 60, (x) 61 to 70 or (xi) 71 years or over that have been (A) killed or (B) injured in a reported road accident in 2002 to 2006 are shown in the table.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Casualty class/Casualty age Killed Injured1 Killed Injured1 Killed Injured1 Killed Injured1 Killed Injured1 Driver or Rider 16 or under 42 7,679 39 7,855 46 7,880 44 7,396 59 6,650 17-20 244 20,889 268 20,459 235 20,891 259 21,610 259 21,207 21-25 251 23,796 258 23,228 269 22,863 250 22,344 288 21,253 26-30 249 23,110 234 21,054 190 19,670 209 18,631 179 18,255 31-35 221 23,763 237 21,955 223 20,465 192 19,153 187 17,376 36-40 210 21,155 227 20,550 229 19,611 201 18,531 184 17,801 41-45 160 15,768 170 15,826 161 15,602 156 15,795 150 15,183 46-50 110 11,817 131 11,717 96 11,492 113 11,558 135 11,555 51-60 191 17,118 210 16,828 175 16,602 206 16,339 180 15,724 61-70 110 7,305 118 7,393 99 7,216 98 7,097 117 7,171 71 or over 172 5,565 167 5,523 180 5,406 187 5,303 150 5,175 Total2 1,975 180,557 2,067 174,898 1,913 170,159 1,918 166,291 1,892 159,631 Passenger 16 or under 111 17,733 99 16,649 81 16,068 84 14,418 94 13,522 17-20 144 12,697 160 12,209 187 11,939 148 11,770 141 11,862 21-25 103 9,482 109 8,673 86 8,718 101 8,212 87 7,812 26-30 47 6,348 45 5,876 51 5,261 46 5,127 40 4,885 31-35 34 5,047 36 4,817 29 4,357 25 3,939 25 3,538 36-40 28 4,437 16 4,210 27 3,864 18 3,649 21 3,405 41-45 20 3,495 24 3,345 15 3,188 19 2,989 18 2,835 46-50 14 3,107 17 2,980 15 2,893 17 2,725 12 2,604 51-60 37 5,423 27 5,219 33 4,818 27 4,669 33 4,499 61-70 34 4,240 46 4,111 20 3,924 34 3,671 30 3,471 71 or over 101 4,829 84 4,606 90 4,463 91 4,121 101 3,838 Total2 681 80,608 667 76,570 637 73,250 612 68,915 605 65,294 Pedestrian 16 or under 88 15,052 86 13,420 92 13,080 73 12,053 85 10,904 17-20 44 3,114 62 3,000 34 2,991 58 2,828 36 2,748 21-25 60 2,839 51 2,790 45 2,676 40 2,622 49 2,462 26-30 36 2,314 40 2,161 34 2,022 34 1,852 29 1,843 31-35 33 1,935 33 1,981 34 1,840 35 1,761 39 1,612 36-40 48 1,895 40 1,745 40 1,720 27 1,654 47 1,504 41-45 40 1,490 36 1,412 35 1,376 38 1,422 32 1,325 46-50 41 1,287 41 1,240 32 1,141 31 1,193 37 1,158 51-60 79 2,123 82 2,049 63 2,007 71 1,972 54 1,887 61-70 63 1,706 61 1,688 61 1,493 64 1,464 53 1,426 71 or over 235 2,967 237 2,820 196 2,626 196 2,487 212 2,363 Total2 775 38,009 774 35,631 671 34,210 671 32,610 675 30,307 1 Seriously or slightly injured 2 Includes cases where age is not reported
Information on convictions for driving while intoxicated owing to alcohol or drugs for the drivers in the aforementioned table is not available. Information on convictions is provided by the Ministry of Justice. The data are not linked to personal injury road accident data.
The latest available information held on convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs by age groups from 2001-05 is provided in the table. 2006 data will be available later this year. The data provided cover both drink and drugs offences combined, as volumes of convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs separately cannot be accurately established.
Number of offences Age groups 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 16 or under 612 616 679 624 577 172 to 20 10,294 10,611 11,109 11,011 10,779 21 to 253 16,123 17,395 18,414 18,942 18,681 26 to 30 13,881 14,547 14,508 14,785 14,348 31 to 35 12,137 13,014 13,447 13,541 12,601 36 to 40 10,442 11,131 11,623 11,786 11,232 41 to 45 7,608 8,262 8,711 9,526 9,285 46 to 50 5,462 5,894 5,957 6,290 6,338 51 to 60 6,182 6,791 7,014 7,289 7,303 61 to 70 1,616 1,862 1,834 2,037 2,138 71 and over 385 362 405 407 436 Total 84,742 90,485 93,701 96,238 93,718 1 Data covers summary offences of driving etc after consuming alcohol or taking drugs (which cannot reliably be distinguished separately). 2 Age 17 used as default age when date of birth is not known for a juvenile. 3 Age 25 used as default age when date of birth is not known for an adult. Notes: 1. It is known that for some police force areas, the reporting of court proceedings, in particular summary motoring offences, is less than complete. 2. Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative systems generated by the courts and police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. Source: Ministry of Justice