The number of written parliamentary questions tabled for answer by my Department this Session is 903. This figure includes those written parliamentary questions tabled to the Minister for the Olympics.
Information on the average number of days taken to answer them is not readily available in the format requested and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
DCMS aims to ensure that hon. Members receive a substantive response to their named day question on the named day. Unfortunately, this is not always possible but this Department makes every effort to meet this timescale. The information requested is provided in the following table.
(a) Received holding answer (b) Received substantive answer on named day Number Percentage Number Percentage 2002 288 52.9 256 47.1 2003 63 42.6 85 57.4 2004 57 29.2 138 70.8 2005 126 44.5 157 55.5 2006 126 28.6 315 71.4 20071 227 47.2 254 52.8 1 Includes named day questions answered by the Minister for the Olympics since June 2007 Source: Information derived from the DCMS parliamentary questions database.