(2) what assessment the Government have made of the impact of Lot 1 of the Energy-using Products Directive on the UK heating controls industry;
(3) what account was taken of electrical equipment waste arising from the requirement of the Energy-using Products Directive to supply system bundles after 2013.
The Government's market transformation programme is currently assessing the full range of possible impacts of the implementation of the Energy Using Products Directive based on the Commission's current proposals.
Heating controls play an important role in reducing the energy used by heating systems. DEFRA officials held a large stakeholder meeting on 4 February to discuss the proposals in the public consultation launched on 17 January, which set out indicative standards for better use of existing controls and advanced controls for domestic heating, and to receive feedback from industry on the Commission's proposals on boilers and water heaters.
Officials have also held a number of ad hoc meetings with key stakeholders from the boiler and water heater industry in order to discuss the implications of the proposals on boilers and water heaters for the UK.
Following receipt on 31 January of the Commission's proposed implementing measure on boilers and water heaters under the Framework Directive on the Eco Design of Energy Using Products (EuP), the Government's market transformation programme sent a copy of the Commission's proposals to a distribution list of several hundred stakeholders, including any business or trade association that had previously expressed an interest in receiving information on developments on heating, asking for comments within three weeks to prepare a position for the Consultation Forum meeting, which was held on 29 February.