Salary range minima and maxima for grades below senior civil service (SCS) in each of the three geographical locations are presented in the following three tables. The Department is responsible for setting these ranges.
£ Grade Minimum Maximum Administrative Officer (AO) 14,826 19,449 Executive Officer (EO) 18,519 28,112 Higher Executive Officer (HEO) 23,721 32,627 Senior Executive Officer (SEO) 29,298 41,991 Grade 7 39,695 56,543 Grade 6 50,014 68,410
£ Grade Minimum Maximum AO 16,356 20,673 EO 20,049 28,112 HEO 25,251 34,157 SEO 30,827 42,314 Grade 7 41,225 57,452 Grade 6 51,544 69,940
£ Grade Minimum Maximum AO 17,886 22,203 EO 21,579 28,290 HEO 26,781 35,687 SEO 32,357 43,844 Grade 7 42,755 58,982 Grade 6 53,074 71,470
Salary ranges for SCS grades do not differ by location. These ranges are set centrally and apply across all Government Departments.
Grade Minimum Maximum SCS Pay Band 1 56,100 116,000 SCS Pay Band 2 81,600 160,000 SCS Pay Band 3 99,960 205,000