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AWE Burghfield: Floods

Volume 472: debated on Wednesday 5 March 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence pursuant to the Answer of 24 January 2008, Official Report, column 2138W, on AWE Burghfield: floods, and page 22 of the Health and Safety Executive Nuclear Newsletter, November 2007 issue, on what date (a) the Health and Safety Executive nuclear installation inspectorate was satisfied that emergency arrangements were in place and (b) operational activities resumed. (187040)

Following the flooding at AWE Burghfield in July 2007, contingency emergency arrangements put in place were considered by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) to be adequate at all times for the activities being undertaken. NII inspected the interim facilities and witnessed an emergency exercise on 24 October, and agreed that nuclear operations could recommence on 5 November 2007.