The Taliban have launched opportunistic raids on district centres in the western provinces of Nimruz, Herat and particularly Farah. Both ISAF and the Afghan National Army have conducted surge operations in these provinces to counter the threat and ensure that security is maintained.
Compared to many areas of eastern and southern Afghanistan these provinces experience less violence, the majority of which is the result of low-level criminality and clashes among local power brokers. Herat in particular has benefited from a sustained period of relative stability, reconstruction and growth.
The security situation in both Kunduz and Badakhshan is steady. Compared to many areas of eastern and southern Afghanistan these provinces experience fewer incidents of violence, the majority of which is the result of low-level criminality linked to drug smuggling and local criminal gangs.
ISAF and the Afghan armed forces continue to engage in successful operations against the Taliban in Helmand, pushing them back from populated areas and bringing more of the province under the control of the Government of Afghanistan.
Nevertheless, the insurgents continue to pose a threat through improvised explosive devices, suicide bombers and opportunistic attacks.
I am withholding information on equipment capability as its disclosure would, or would be likely to prejudice the capability, effectiveness or security of the armed forces.