The single payment scheme was introduced in 2005. The regulatory payment window for each scheme year commences on 1 December in the year of claim and ends on 30 June in the following year.
For the 2005 scheme year, 25,690 claimants received either a full payment or the balancing sum, following an earlier manual or partial payment, after the payment window had closed. Nine claims are yet to be paid. For the 2006 scheme year, the equivalent figure is 2,533 claimants, with 69 claims yet to be fully processed. These figures exclude cases where top up payments have been made following corrections to entitlements or where other changes have been made to claim values following representations by claimants.
The value of interest payments made to claimants who received their full Single Payment scheme (SPS) payment after the closing of the regulatory payment window are £2.4 million for SPS 2005 and £400,000 for SPS 2006.
Overpayments are currently estimated to total some £20.0 million to 10,299 applicants under the 2005 Single Payment scheme (SPS) and £17.6 million to 6,925 applicants under the 2006 SPS.
Some £2.7 million as been recovered thus far.
RPA does not keep separate data on cases where a top up payment was required after a single payment scheme claim has been corrected. Nor can such data now be readily identified. RPA does retain data on changes in claim values but there is no automatic relationship between those data and underpayments because manual or partial payments may have been made to the claimant. The latest available data shows that claim values in respect of 2005 were increased by £28.6 million for 12,611 claimants.