We do not hold data in the form requested. DART-Tags are registered against accounts and may be switched between users. The address held relates only to the account holder. In some cases there is more than one tag registered on an account.
The following figures show the number of accounts registered against addresses in these postcode areas. The account holder may not necessarily live at the address; in some cases the address will be that of a business.
Number of accounts (a) DA11 550 (b) DA12 622 (c) DA13 288 (d) ME3 401
Figures are shown in the following table for the last 12 months.
Month Payments made by DART-Tag Number of journeys paid by DART-Tag February 2007 1,524,951 953,081 March 2007 1,743,635 1,086,697 April 2007 1,573,164 973,733 May 2007 1,712,556 1,061,490 June 2007 1,679,862 1,040,529 July 2007 1,707,228 1,057,714 August 2007 1,644,092 1,010,793 September 2007 1,613,375 996,365 October 2007 1,760,293 1,088,126 November 2007 l.718,358 1,063,974 December 2007 1,374,864 854,054 January 2008 1,688,562 1,049,550 Total 19,740,946 12,236,106