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Health Services: Expenditure

Volume 473: debated on Monday 17 March 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much money was (a) allocated to and (b) spent from each central budget held at (i) his Department and (ii) strategic health authorities in each of the last five years. (191452)

Listings of all Centrally Funded Initiatives Services and Special Allocations (CFISSA) programme allocations by budget title and value from 2002-03 to 2006-07 are contained in the departmental reports which are available in the Library. Details are as follows:

2003—Table 6.6 Centrally Funded Initiatives and Services and Special Allocations

2004—Table 6.6 Centrally Funded Initiatives and Services and Special Allocations

2005—Table 6.9 Centrally Funded Initiatives and Services and Special Allocations

2006—Table 6.9 Centrally Funded Initiatives and Services and Special Allocations

2007—Table 9.21 Centrally Managed NHS Budgets

The CFISSA programme is the national health service related funding that is not issued to primary care trusts as part of their initial resource limits. Commencing with the 2007 Departmental Report this area is now referred to as the centrally managed NHS Budgets.

Total expenditure of the CFISSA/centrally managed programme from 2002-03 to 2006-07 is contained in the operating cost statement in each year of the Resource Accounts.

It would be at disproportionate cost for the Department to list expenditure from each individual central budget held in each of the last five years due to the very large number of budgets and several departmental re-organisations.