The information is not available in the format requested. Such information as is available is in the tables.
Total value of payments (rounded to nearest £000) Number of individual awards made1 2006-07 850,000 11,389 2005-06 822,000 11,435 2004-05 752,000 10,946 2003-04 557,000 7,248 2002-03 773,000 9,725 2001-02 835,000 9,811 2000-01 758,000 7,553 1999-2000 575,000 5,211 1998-99 664,000 4,645
Total value of payments (rounded to nearest £000) Number of individual awards made1 2006-07 TPS 43,000 509 JCP 109,000 1265 DCS 25,000 272 CSA 666,000 9,194 2005-06 TPS 38,000 414 JCP 125,000 1,294 DCS 35,000 323 CSA 608,000 9,208 2004-05 TPS 38,000 511 JCP 96,000 993 DCS 29,000 322 CSA 582,000 8,998 2003-04 TPS 23,000 304 JCP 90,000 932 DCS 24,000 289 CSA 407,000 5,561 2002-03 TPS 14,000 150 JCP 60,000 667 DCS 33,000 377 CSA 661,000 8,443 2001-02 BA 83,000 849 CSA 696,000 8,320 2000-01 BA 72,000 737 CSA 654,000 6,336 1999-2000 BA 82,000 682 CSA 485,000 4,469 1998-99 BA 80,000 300 CSA 565,000 4,235 1 Notes: 1. The Department has three main categories of consolatory payments. Where a person is found to have suffered gross inconvenience, embarrassment or severe distress as a result of maladministration a consolatory payment is made. Each case is judged on its individual merits and an award is made, as applicable, for each of these categories. 2. The Department does not retain details of the number of individuals who receive consolatory payments. Records are retained of the number of awards made under each of the above categories. Where, for example, a customer receives an initial award based on an early examination of a complaint he may later receive additional awards as a result of further investigation or under one of the other categories. The number of awards made therefore exceeds the number of individuals concerned. 3. The first table shows the entire sum awarded as consolatory payments by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and its predecessor, the Department of Social Security (DSS). The figures include those paid by agencies that were part of the Department at the relevant time. 4. The Pension Service, Jobcentre Plus and the Disability and Carers Service were formed in 2002, prior to this they were part of the Benefits Agency (BA). 5. Debt Management is not an Executive agency of DWP. A consolatory payment awarded because of maladministration by Debt Management is awarded by Jobcentre Plus. 6. The Rent Service (TRS) was formed in October 1999 as an Executive agency of the Department of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. TRS became an executive agency of the Department for Work and Pensions in June 2001. The Rent Service has not made any consolatory payments.