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Land Registry Targets (2008-09)

Volume 474: debated on Monday 31 March 2008

The following list sets out the key performance indicators and targets that have been set for Her Majesty’s Land Registry for 2008-09.

Customer Service


Percentage of Official Copy and Search applications processed within two working days: 98%

Percentage of all registrations processed within 18 working days: 80%


Percentage of registrations processed free of any error: 98.5%

Overall Satisfaction:

Percentage of customers who rate the overall service provided by Land Registry as excellent, very good or good: Better than 95%


Percentage return on average capital employed: 3.5%


Cost per unit in cash terms1 (real terms)2 : £30.32 (£20.07)

Strategic Development Area Targets

Customer Service

Establish a customer contact centre to support portal and e-conveyancing users.

Land Registration

Through voluntary registration, add a further 325,000 hectares of land to the total areas of registered freehold land in England and Wales.

Electronic Service Delivery

Introduce a prototype e-charge registration service (Land Registry’s first e-deed—electronic charges in standard form (eCSF)).

Other Business Development

Achieve a contribution earned from commercial services sales, after taking account of direct costs and product development costs, of 8 per cent. of income.

Copies of the Land Registry’s business plan will be placed in the Libraries of both Houses. Copies will also be available on the internet at:

1 Based on the GDP deflator issued by HM Treasury on 13 March 2008 (base year 1992-93).

2 The real term unit cost in the base year of 1992-93 was £30.65.