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Wind Power: Planning Permission

Volume 474: debated on Thursday 3 April 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government which local authorities have made objections to new or expanded wind farms during the formal planning process in the last 12 months. (197470)

Records for objections made by local authorities on applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and determined by local planning authorities are not held centrally. No authorities in England have objected to applications which have been called-in or recovered by the Secretary of State. The Planning Inspectorate do not hold this information in the form requested in relation to appeals.

In respect of applications in England made under s36 of the Electricity Act 1989, the following authorities have objected to applications:

Tynedale district council objected to the Steadings wind farm on 23 May 2007 (and again on 17 October 2007 following revisions to the proposal).

Tynedale district council objected to the Ray wind farm on 21 March 2007.

Norfolk county council objected to the proposed Lincolnshire Offshore Wind Farm on 28 March 2007.