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Teachers: Resignations

Volume 477: debated on Thursday 19 June 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many qualified teachers under the age of 60 employed in local authority maintained schools in (a) Bexley and (b) London left their posts in each of the last five years. (212625)

The table provides the number of full and part-time regular teachers aged under 60 who left their posts in local authority maintained schools in the London Government Office Region in each year from 2001-02 to 2005-06, the latest information available. This information is not available by local authority.

Teachers leaving their post are defined as those who left teaching service, including those retiring and those going on unpaid leave of absence such as maternity leave, or went to a teaching post outside of the local authority maintained sector in England, or who changed their school or employing authority. Teachers who left a full-time post to take up a part-time post or vice versa are also included.

Number of full and part-time regular teachers in the local authority maintained sector leaving their post1 years: 2001-02 to 2005-06—coverage: London Government Office Region












1 The number of teachers leaving their post may be slightly underestimated as around 10 to 20 per cent. of part-time teachers are missing from the data source. In addition it is believed that not all moves between schools within local authorities are recorded.


Database of Teachers Records