With reference to the answer of 2 June 2008, Official Report, column 539W, the Department undertook 15 polling and survey projects between 29 November and the end of the financial year. These are listed along with the following costs and numbers of respondents for each:
Name of supplier Polling work Number of respondents Costs(£ excluding VAT) Andrew Irving Associates Ltd. Quantitative survey on the Code for Sustainable Homes 500 18,000.00 Pre and post tracking research on the effectiveness of the ‘Pull your Finger out’ fire safety campaign 2,000 33,750.00 Fire Safety Research into the Holiday Accommodation Sector—qualitative group interviews 76 12,000.00 COI Fire fighting careers qualitative research and recommendations 78 60,936.00 Fire Kills Literature Review—qualitative group interviews 254 38,341.00 Fire Kills consumer research and campaign recognition omnibus survey 730 55,000.00 Two Workshops in London and Hull on the importance of the English language to building communities 135 17,491.25 Survey of planning professionals about whether Planning Portal services met their needs 828 47,891.51 Cragg Ross Dawson Ltd. Energy Performance of Buildings Directive research 1,062 30,060.50 GFK NOP Ltd. HIPs consumer awareness, qualitative, and omnibus research 3,635 58,530.94 Accountability of local council services—omnibus survey 1,027 1,400.00 TH Seagrove Telephone survey of tenant activists on their awareness etc of landlords work in terms of the Respect agenda 150 1,250.00 IPSOS Mori Third tranche of 2007 employee survey and the production of aggregated results from the full 2007 employee survey 2516 39,300.00 31,676 Senior Civil Service survey 90 13,500.00 Employee engagement workshop 8 2,250.00 1 Attendees 2 Third tranche 3 Aggregated results
In the answer of 2 June 2008, Official Report, column 539W, we had added the following information.
Name of supplier Polling work Number of respondents Costs (£ excluding VAT) Dorset county council Housing related research — 8,800.00
This was added in error as the work with Dorset county council did not relate to housing related research. The payment related to consultancy support for a Business Improvement Package website. This is part of central Government’s support for local government transformation by developing an online resource for tools and change management processes. We are taking steps to clarify the original answer.