The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the Authority to reply.
Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 8 July 2008:
As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question asking how many people were in employment in the North East in each quarter since January 2003, calculated with reference to the December 2007 changes in methodology, broken down by (a) employees, (b) self-employed, (c) the armed forces and (d) trainees. [216745].
The Workforce Jobs estimates combine Employee Jobs figures with self employment jobs from the Labour Force Survey, as well as HM Forces jobs figures and the number of government-supported trainees. However, HM Forces job estimates are only available at a national level.
The attached table provides estimates of employee jobs, self-employment jobs and government-supported trainees, for the North East for each quarter from December 2002 to March 2008, the latest available.
However, there is a discontinuity in the employee jobs series between December 2005 and September 2006, which means we are unable to calculate the time series on a consistent basis across its full length. The change in December 2007 made improvements to the annual benchmark and the quality of estimates of employment. More information about revisions to the Workforce Jobs series can be found at:
Civilian regional Workforce Job estimates are published as part of the quarterly regional labour market statistics first release and can be obtained on the National Statistics website at:
Thousand (not seasonally adjusted) Civilian work force jobs Employee jobs Self employment jobs Government-supported trainees 2002 December 1,104 1,005 93 6 2003 March 1,098 993 98 6 June 1,110 999 105 6 September 1,116 999 111 7 December 1,131 1,014 109 7 2004 March 1,125 1,007 110 7 June 1,116 1,003 106 7 September 1,131 1,017 106 8 December 1,121 1,015 98 8 2005 March 1,129 1,028 93 8 June 1,142 1,039 96 7 September 1,170 1,054 108 7 December 1,184 1,064 113 7 2006 March 1,167 1,042 118 6 June 1,171 1,047 119 5 September 1,172 1,046 121 4 December 1,181 1,059 118 4 2007 March 1,169 1,047 117 4 June 1,183 1,050 130 3 September 1,183 1,053 126 4 December 1,197 1,068 125 4 2008 March 1,184 1,058 122 4 Notes: 1. Workforce Jobs figures are a measure of jobs rather than people. For example, if a person holds two jobs, each job will be counted in the total. 2. Estimates of HM Forces Jobs using Workforce Jobs are not available below the national level. 3. There is a discontinuity in the employee jobs series between December 2005 and September 2006 due to improvements to the annual benchmark. Further information can be found at: Source: Workforce Jobs Series