The security situation in Iraq has improved significantly since mid-2007 and, overall, acts of violence have reduced to levels last experienced in 2004. The transfer on 16 July of security responsibility for Qadisiyah province to Provincial Iraqi Control demonstrates the continuing improvement in security across the country.
In southern Iraq, UK and coalition forces continue to support the Iraqi Security Forces as they consolidate the significant progress in security brought about by the operations launched in Basra in March.
UK force levels in southern Iraq remain at around 4,000, operating in support of the Iraqi Security Forces in Basra. Our military commanders continue to assess the changing situation on the ground and it remains our clear intention to reduce troop numbers as and when conditions allow.
The Prime Minister will make a further statement tomorrow, setting out our plans in Iraq.
We assess that current troop levels in southern Iraq are appropriate to deliver our key military tasks, in particular completing the training and mentoring of the 14th Division of the Iraqi Army.
Our military commanders continue to appraise the changing situation on the ground and it remains our clear intention to reduce troop numbers as and when conditions allow.
The Prime Minister will make a further statement tomorrow, setting out our plans in Iraq.