(2) what the (a) required and (b) current strength of Defence Medical Services is, broken down by (i) service and (ii) trade.
Manning data are as of October 2007 as this is the most accurate available.
The following table summarises the required manning level of the Defence Medical Services of the Armed Forces, including the requirement for a manning and training margin (MTM) and the actual number of personnel, including those in training.
Requirement MTM1 Personnel -trained strength Personnel in training2 Personnel total Royal Navy 1311 218 1378 271 1649 Army 4516 287 3783 561 4344 Royal Air Force 1748 171 1574 63 1637 Tri-service 7575 676 6735 895 7630 1 The Manning and Training Margin (MTM) relates to personnel who are undertaking career directed professional training and those who are non-effective, for example while on terminal leave or long-term sick leave. 2 Personnel in training does not include personnel who are already trained in a medical speciality and who are in career directed professional training. Source: Manning Return, October 2007
Tables which provide the figures for each medical speciality and show the requirement and the number of trained personnel (but not personnel in training) in each medical and dental personnel division of the armed forces as at October 2007, have been placed in the Library of the House.