Information regarding Northern Ireland is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.
The information for Great Britain is in the table.
(outturn—£ million) Nominal terms Real terms 2008-09 prices 2004-05 13,158 14,698 2005-06 13,928 15,237 2006-07 14,840 15,782 Notes: 1. Information sourced from local authority claims for housing revenue account subsidy and housing benefit subsidy. 2. Figures to 2005-06 are taken from the final audited subsidy claims submitted to the Department by each local authority. 3. Figures for 2006-07 are not yet audited, and represent provisional out-turn for the year. Source: DWP expenditure tables.
Benefit expenditure information is available online at
Local authority expenditure Information is available online at