We are aware that the Committee has received notifications on two occasions. In one case, the state sending the notification requested that it remain confidential while a judicial investigation continued.
In the other case, the Committee discussed information that certain Iranian entities displayed items in the Defence Services Asia Exhibition, hosted by the Government of Malaysia. Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak was quoted in the media as saying this constituted
“a direct contravention of Resolution[s] 1747 and 1803”.
The Committee also noted, as a result, that the Government of Malaysia closed down Iran's pavilion at the exhibition.
No requests for an exemption to the sale, transfer or provision of items prohibited under paragraphs 3, 4 and 6 of UN Security Council Resolution 1737 (2006) have been received.
The UN Sanctions Committee is the appropriate forum for matters relating to breaches of sanctions. The Committee has received two notifications from UN member states covering potential breaches to the supply of weapons from Iran. In one case, the state sending the notification requested that it remain confidential while a judicial investigation continued. In the other case, the Committee discussed information that certain Iranian entities displayed items in the Defence Services Asia Exhibition, hosted by the Government of Malaysia. Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak was quoted in the media as saying this constituted
“a direct contravention of Resolution[s] 1747 and 1803”.
The Committee also noted as a result that the Government of Malaysia closed down Iran's pavilion at the exhibition.
No reports have been submitted to the UN Security Council following an inspection of cargoes to and from Iran.