Employers who support the Reducing Re-offending Corporate Alliance have agreed to employ offenders or are contributing to improving offenders’ skills or employability. In signing up to the Alliance they have agreed that their experiences can be used to promote the case for employing offenders with other employers.
Employers that have signed up to the Reducing Re-offending Corporate Alliance are:
Aramark, Action Housing and Support Ltd., Aire Valley, Alfa Electric, Angel-Fish Cleaning Company, A-One, Barclays, Barhale, British Institute of Cleaning Science, Blaydon RFC, Blue Sky, Boots, Boss Training, Bovis Lend Lease, Breeze Cafe and Deli, Business in the Community, Cadbury Schweppes, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS, Camden Garden Centre, Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, Cisco Systems, Clayport Library, Club 4 Kids, Coachers, Coleman Construction, Compass, Construction Leeds, Cooplands, Costco Wholesale, CRI, CST Associates, Dead Earnest Theatre, DHL, Doncaster and Rotherham District Motor Trades, East View Housing, Ecovert FM, Eden Project, Enterprise, Fifteen Foundation, Foundation Training Company, Fyffes Group, Garforth Building Supplies, G Sport Gym, GM Procure, Grimsby Fish Dock Enterprises, Hastings Council, Horizon Recruitment, Horton Housing Association, Hughes Brothers, Immedia Productions, Interserve FM, John Laing Training, JS Humidifers, Jury Inns, Leeds city council, Kalyx, KPMG, Leicester Cares, Levi Solicitors, LUSH, Marshall Tufflex, Martha Trust, McGinley Recruitment Services, Mersey Mail, MLS Ltd., Nacro, Oxfam (County Durham), Pecan, Pestalozzi International Village, Ramada Jarvis, Recruitment and Employment Confederation, Reed Elsevier, Safer London Foundation, Sainsburys, Second Byte IT, Serco, Sheffield Cathedral, Shell UK, Southampton council, South Tyneside Library, Sova, TA Horn, Tesco, Tomorrow's People, Turning Point, UBS Investment Bank, UK Railways Ltd., VT Shipbuilding Ltd., Wakefield Welfare Association, Wates, Wessex Water, Wiltan Ltd., Working Links, WYTS, YMCA England.