Data relating to the educational status of young offenders upon conviction are not recorded centrally. However, the Youth Justice Board (YJB) has a performance indicator to ensure that 90 per cent. of all young people supervised by youth offending teams are in suitable full time education, training or employment at the end of their order. These data are published in the YJB annual statistics and are available on their website:
(2) when the responses to the Youth Justice Board’s consultation exercise on the scaled approach will be published;
(3) when he will publish the evaluation report of the Youth Justice Board’s scaled approach pilot;
(4) what the reasons are for the time taken to publish the evaluation of the piloting of the Youth Justice Board’s scaled approach.
The Youth Justice Board is completing compilation of the responses to the consultation exercise on the scaled approach and revision of the Scaled Approach framework based on the responses. These will be published together in the autumn.
The evaluation of the scaled approach pilot will also be published. Evidence and recommendations from an initial draft of the evaluation were used to inform the development of the scaled approach framework. The report is being finalised for publication which includes an academic peer review and review by Ministry of Justice Analytical Services. This should be completed over the summer to allow publication in the autumn.