During the period 1 July 2007-30 June 2008, the Home Office, including the UK Border Agency, the Identity and Passport Service and the Criminal Records Bureau, settled a total often personal injury claims, with the total compensation awarded amounting to £165,727.68.
The claims are broken down in the following table.
Nature of incident/claim Contested Compensation (£) Work Related Stress Yes 115,000.00 Injury resulting from a fall Yes 11,044.00 Repetitive strain injury No 10,000.00 Repetitive strain injury No 8,000.00 Injury resulting from a slip Yes 7,705.00 Repetitive strain injury No 7,000.00 Tripped over door Yes 3,000.00 Collapsed Aorta No 1,728.68 Trapped hand in door Yes 1,250.00 Manual handling injury Yes 1,000.00