(2) what the timetable is for the review of powers of entry to publish its (a) options paper and (b) consultation paper;
(3) whether the review of powers of entry has completed its first phase on determining all existing powers of entry;
(4) how many separate proposals for new powers of entry have been referred to her Department in the last 36 months following her Department’s guidance on powers of entry;
(5) who the members are of the review of state powers of entry into private property;
(6) what representations the review of state powers of entry into private property has received from (a) members of the public and outside organisations and (b) public bodies, Government departments or quangos.
The Powers of Entry Review is being carried out by the Home Office in conjunction with other relevant Government Departments and agencies who exercise statutory investigative or enforcement powers. Progress on the review is set out on the Home Office website at:
The webpage contains tables listing the powers of entry and entry, search, seizure or inspection identified to date and by whom and when those powers can be exercised. The review is now entering stage 2 and working with investigative and enforcement agencies on (a) assessing the continuing need for the powers and (b) raising public awareness and understanding of their rights and expectations. On completion of this work, the Government will launch a public consultation exercise on the findings of the review and next steps. The public consultation exercise is expected to commence in the autumn 2008. We will consider any parliamentary process in the light of the outcome of the public consultation.
A record is not currently held centrally on proposals submitted by other Departments for new or amending powers of entry.