The following table shows details of the proportion of staff who did not receive the maximum bonus possible under a bonus scheme applying to them in the last two years. For DEFRA, the data relate to staff in core-DEFRA, Animal Health, Government Decontamination Service, Marine and Fisheries Agency, Pesticides Safety Directorate and Veterinary Medicines Directorate.
2006-07 2007-08 DEFRA 87.8 84.7 RPA 84.8 86.1 VLA 87.7 86.8 CSL 77.8 76.9 CEFAS 84.5 83.9
Bonuses are used to reward excellent performance during the year and are based on a judgment of how well an individual has performed relative to their peers. Performance related pay schemes encourage high attainment because bonuses have to be earned each year. They help drive high performance in Departments and agencies and support better public service delivery.