I have been asked to reply.
My written statement of 13 March 2008, Official Report, columns 20-21WS, announced that secondary legislation had been laid before the House that would remove the need to apply for planning permission to install certain types of householder microgeneration. These permitted development rights now apply to solar, ground and water source heat pump, combined heat and power and biomass technologies.
The statement explained that good progress was being made in trying to resolve the issue of noise that prevented permitted development rights being extended to wind turbines and air source heat pumps at that time. It also indicated that a restriction would be imposed to ensure that habitable rooms of any neighbouring residential property are not exposed to an outside noise level exceeding 45 decibels. This figure seeks to balance the Government’s desire to encourage the take-up of microgeneration with the need to consider the potential impact on others. We have not yet concluded work on this issue and therefore permitted development rights do not currently apply to these technologies.