The annual energy consumptions obtained from energy supply invoices and the energy consumptions per square metre for Portcullis House for each of the last five years are given in the following table:
kWh kWh/m2 2003-04 7,661,201 414.0 2004-05 7,261,092 392.4 2005-06 7,436,070 401.8 2006-07 7,039,340 380.4 2007-08 7,132,608 385.4 Note: These figures are not weather corrected.
Following an independent energy survey report in February 2008 a number of measures are under consideration which could lead to a significant reduction in consumption. These recommendations are under consideration for inclusion in the programme of works.
These figures differ slightly from those given in the answer to the hon. Member for Eastleigh (Chris Huhne) on 27 April 2007 for two reasons. Firstly, for this answer we obtained the gas and electricity consumption figures from invoices; in the previous response we used the same method to determine the electricity consumption but calculated the gas consumptions from meter readings and standard conversion factors. The gas invoices, though, have the more accurate consumption figures. Secondly, we have used a recently received, more accurate floor area for this answer than we used for the 2007 response.