The following tables provide the details of the number of working days lost due to sickness. These are broken down by the different Departments as records are not held in the same way.
Calendar year Average working days lost per person 2003 5.5 2004 5.1 2005 7.2 2006 7.1 2007 Note: Records prior to 2003 are not available.
Calendar year Average working days lost per person 2001 8.9 2002 8.8 2003 9.2 2004 8.0 2005 9.7 2006 9.9 2007 10.0
Calendar year Average working days lost per person 2005 (April to December)1 4.5 2006 4.5 2007 4.3 2008 (January to March) 7.2 1 RCPO was created on 18 April 2005.
Financial year Average working days lost per person 2000-01 6.1 2001-02 5.2 2002-03 9.5 2003-04 14.6 2004-05 11.3 2005-06 6.2 2006-07 8.3 2007-08 8.1