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Television: Smoking

Volume 479: debated on Monday 21 July 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (1) if he will discuss with those involved in the production of entertainment media the possible relationship between the on-screen depiction of smoking and rates of smoking among young people; (219750)

(2) whether he has received recent representations on the classification of films which show positive images of smoking.

[holding answer 17 July 2008]: The depiction of smoking in films is covered by the guidelines for the British Board of Film Classification, which were reviewed in 2005 after extensive public consultation and were updated accordingly. Any films which are found to be (1) aimed at children and (2) "Works which promote or glamorise smoking" receive a restricted rating. We have no plans at present to examine the impact on screen depiction of smoking but we do of course, keep these matters under constant review.