The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Programme seeks to deliver improved access to psychological therapies for people who require the help of mental health services for mild to moderate depression. It also responds to service user’s requests for more personalised services based around their individuals needs.
It will test the effectiveness of providing increases in evidence based psychological therapy services to people with ‘common’ mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, in providing improvements in health, well-being and in maintaining people or returning people to employment and community participation.
The Government announced significant funding for the programme to create new local psychological therapy services around the country on 10 October 2007: £33 million in 2008-09, £103 million in 2009-10 to £173 million in 2010-11. This is new money to expand evidence-based psychological therapies services. Primary care trusts were already spending £146 million on psychological therapies services.