On 15 May 2007, the Government issued a consultation on the draft Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill which covered the establishment of the Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO). At its open meeting on 19 July 2007, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Board discussed the extent to which the establishment of the LBRO might affect the delivery of consumer protection in relation to food and drink by the FSA directly, by the Meat Hygiene Service as the FSA’s Executive agency or through the FSA’s enforcement partners in local authorities. Following the meeting, the FSA Chair submitted a formal response to the consultation, covering the most significant points. Copies of the response has been placed in the Library and can also be found on the FSA’s website at:
The FSA’s views on the draft Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill have been placed in the Library and has also been published on the FSA’s website at:
The FSA supports the establishment of the LBRO to promote efficient and effective local regulatory services as a part of its wider commitment to better regulation. The FSA is currently working very closely with the LBRO to produce a memorandum of understanding that clarifies how they work alongside one another in the future. The memorandum of understanding will be in place within six months after the enactment of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill. The FSA remains committed to engaging with the LBRO to maintain the protection of public health.