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Mental Health Services: Standards

Volume 479: debated on Monday 21 July 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make it his policy to introduce a compulsory kitemark system of accreditation for all in-patient psychiatric wards. (216232)

There are many different ways of achieving service improvement and achieving better service user outcomes in acute care without the need for mandatory accreditation. One example is ‘star wards', a service user led initiative which focuses on improving service user experience and engagement when admitted, has been very successful in getting staff and service user ownership and action in improving service user experience in inpatient psychiatric wards.

The Government are also awaiting the results and recommendations of the Healthcare Commission's acute inpatient review, whose national report is due for publication in the summer. The review drew out four key themes: examining whether services had effective care pathways in place regarding admissions and discharges; provided individualised care which promoted recovery and inclusion; had service user and carer involvement in care planning, operational and strategic planning; and had systems, processes and facilities in place to ensure the safety of service users, visitors and staff.